Image fusion with additive multiresolution wavelet decomposition. Applications to SPOT plus Landsat images
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Volume 16, Number 3, page 467--474 - 1999
IF: 1.864. area: Optics. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.864. area: Optics. Quartile: 1.
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BibTex references
@Article\{NOF1999a, author = "Jorge N\'u\~{n}ez and Xavier Otazu and Octavi Fors and Albert Prades and Vicenç Pala and Roman Arbiol", title = "Image fusion with additive multiresolution wavelet decomposition. Applications to SPOT plus Landsat images", journal = "Journal of the Optical Society of America A", number = "3", volume = "16", pages = "467--474", year = "1999", keywords = "remote sensing, image fusion, wavelet", keywords = "remote sensing, image fusion, wavelet", ifactor = "1.864", quartile = "1", area = "Optics", cites = "23", url = "" }